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Message from the Director

Professor Llewelyn Hughes

Welcome to the ANU Japan Institute.

A central mission of The Australian National University (ANU) since its creation in 1946 is to improve our understanding of ourselves and our neighbours through research, teaching, and engagement. 

The ANU Japan Institute - one of nine regional institutes within the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific (CAP) - plays an integral part supporting the pursuit of this mission. The Institute brings together our expertise across the humanities, social sciences, and physical sciences, to promote excellence in research and teaching at ANU on Japan, and to promote ANU as a leading centre of learning for Japan studies.

The focus of the ANU Japan Institute is broad, encompassing economic affairs, diplomatic and international relations, history, linguistics and language, and the full array of physical sciences in which the university has key partnerships with researchers and research organisations in Japan.

As Director of the ANU Japan Institute I am proud to be able to support our mission. Japan and Australia have a strong and deepening relationship that is rooted in common interests and people-to-people exchanges, and extends into partnerships between our two countries on regional and global issues.

The ANU Japan Institute Is enthusiastic about expanding our work with Japan. I encourage you to take a look at the range of activities in which we engage, and please get in touch if you would like to explore opportunities for working together.

Llewelyn Hughes
Director, Japan Institute
Professor, Crawford School of Public Policy
The Australian National University 

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